Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Are friends worth it?

Isn't it funny how loosely people use the word "friend" these days? It falls off their lips as easily as the lies they tell to get you to trust them. You tell them the most intimate details of your life - how you work, how you think, who you are - and when all is said and done, they use those things to cause you pain. They tell you that they love you...that they would die for you...that they got your back...that they want nothing but happiness for your life, and at the end of the day, all it is is words. The same person that told you they love you does something to you to make you question love in its entirety. The same person that told you that they would die for you hurts you so deeply that you consider death the easier option. The same person that tells you that they got your back is the same person that stabs you in it. that SAME "friend" that says that they want nothing but happiness for your life takes away that one thing in your life that they KNOW is your source of happiness.

So here is my question - is having friends worth it?

Is having a friend worth the pain? I mean, yes, in the moment, friends make you feel good. They make you feel loved and needed. But doesn't that all fade? Doesn't the love that you have for a friend just end up being your pathos? For your downfall does not come from baring your soul, but from whom you choose to bare it to.