Wednesday, August 17, 2005


Have you ever felt like you know what you were meant to do, but you don't know how to go about getting there? You know God's purpose for you - your "calling" if you will - you just aren't patient enough to allow Him to work it out in His time?

I'm at this point in my life. For years upon years, I know the Lord has been preparing me - trial after trial, chipping away at the callousness that the world has forced me to grow, healing the brokenness that it has caused, molding me into what I am to become. I'm not going to lie - I've spent a good amount of this time running, telling God I'm not good enough, to use someone else. For I am worth nothing. I'm not even worth the breath it takes to say my name. But for some reason, the Lord saw worth in me. I don't understand it, can't comprehend it, but I don't think I'm meant to. All that I know - all the Lord NEEDS me to know - is that He has something greater for me...greater than I can imagine, so great, in fact, that my finite mind cannot contain it.

Now here would be the irony - this entire time I've been running, I've known. I've known that I am meant for greater things, but my flesh was unwilling to yield, I was not able to grow. God was not given ample room to mold me, to continue His work in me. No matter how much I knew my "calling", I would never admit it. If I did, in my mind, that would take away from teh mystery that is ME. If I admit that I am called to be used, I almost feel like it negates my calling.